Kate & Sam's Engagement
Simply gorgeous Nantucket wedding was warm with love and all the sweet details. Check it out, featured here on Junebug Weddings: http://junebugweddings.com/wedding-blog/what-junebug-loves/yellow-blue-wedding-nantucket/
I'm pretty sure if you look up "Perfect Nantucket Wedding" in the dictionary you will come across the wedding of Erin and Kevin. But then again, it would probably be listed under "Stunning" and "Swoon-worthy" too. Here it is again, featured appropriately on the blog Classic Bride.
Link: www.classicbrideblog.com/2014/12/casual-chic-nantucket-wedding.html
Nantucket Stroll is so engaging, don't you think? Congratulations to May & Jonathan who got engaged that weekend! After she said yes, Jonathan surprised his bride to be yet again with a group of her most treasured (and ecstatic) friends.